What Is the Do Not Call Register Number


Register your numbers

If you have already registered your number you do not need to reregister. Check here to see if your number is already registered.

Important: You cannot register your number if it is used or maintained primarily for business purposes (unless it is a fax number).

Registered numbers can still be contacted by exempt organisations. These include registered charities, research companies, registered political parties and educational institutions.

Telemarketers and fax marketers have 30 days from the date you register to check their lists and stop calling you.

  • All fields marked with * are mandatory

    To register a number you must be the account holder, a nominee, or be authorised to act for the account holder.

    If you would like to register more than 20 numbers, please go to Bulk Registration.

  • 2. Personal details EDIT

    All fields marked with * are mandatory

    Organisation details

    Account holder details

    Account holder details

    Authorised officer details

  • 3. Numbers to register EDIT

    Your number/s can be registered if they are used or maintained:

    • primarily for domestic purposes, or
    • exclusively for transmitting or receiving faxes, or
    • exclusively for use by a government body.

    Important: Your number/s cannot be registered if they are used or maintained primarily for business purposes (unless they are fax numbers).

    Contact number

    If you are registering a Fax number, please provide a phone number on which you can be contacted:

    The number cannot be a fax number.

  • 4. Confirm and submit

    All fields marked with * are mandatory

    Account holder details

    Contact details


    Statement by account holder





    The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) imposes obligations on the ACMA and the register operator in relation to the collection, security, quality, access, use and disclosure of personal information. These obligations are detailed in the Australian Privacy Principles. For more information about the collection of data in this form, please see the Do Not Call Register data collection notice.

  • 2. Nominee details

    You may apply to register numbers as a nominee acting on behalf of another individual.

    To do this, you will need to download and complete the Registration Form (pdf, 192k).

    You will need to provide evidence of your ability to act as a nominee for the account holder, such as:

    • the account holder's signature on the form,
    • a letter from the account holder, or
    • a power of attorney.


This account has been locked and a password reset is required.

Select the reset password button below and an email containing reset instructions will be sent to the email address associated with this account.

If you do not receive an email or the email address is no longer active please call 1300 785 749 for assistance.

© Australian Communications and Media Authority

The Do Not Call Register is managed by the Australian Communications and Media Authority on behalf of the Australian Government.

What Is the Do Not Call Register Number

Source: https://www.donotcall.gov.au/consumers/register-your-numbers/

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